Thursday 7 February 2013


Behind the scenes of the filming of our Promotional Video.
We decided to film our video in the atrium television studios to make sure that we got the right lighting and equipment. 

Promoting the video to the consumer

When we looked back over our video we felt that it did have a slightly more "Look book" feel to it. To make the film more promotional we wanted to direct it towards our specific target consumer. We therefore decided to place a quote on the opening page, this will immediately attract the consumer who feels that they would fit in with the brand. We also decided not to feature the brands sold in the store as we want the feeling of mystery to be strong. We feel that people will be more intrigued to attend the PR events if they are given less information.

"She is clothed in strength and dignity and she laughs without fear of the future"

We feel this quote describes our consumer perfectly. It also links to the future which is perfect for the brand.

Tuesday 29 January 2013


We have also found this video that captures the simplistic side of how we want our film. We want the overall feel of the film to be welcoming and natural and this shows that perfectly.

This style of relaxed model acting throughout the film is similar to the style we want. This is also shot in a studio. If we were to use lighting that was soft and delicate we could also get the washed out look we were hoping for with the outdoor shoot.

This Kate Moss for Topshop film also captures similar lighting and feeling to our idea. The main aspect of our film that we want to keep is the natural and none intimidating feel. We want the consumer to feel as though they could be the woman featured in the film.

Back up shoot

As we do have our shoot planned for tomorrow outdoors, after checking the weather forecast today we have realised that it would be a suitable idea to have a back up shoot in preparation. Me (Lucy) and Sophie are going to look into other ways of filming and try and use our inspiration from our previous research and incorporate it into a studio shoot.

Obviously we will keep our fingers crossed that the weather is OK tomorrow but the forecast is not looking good and we do not want to ruin any equipment or put our model in bad conditions.

I have however emailed Coed Hills to see if they have any indoor or sheltered space that they could suggest we use.

Sunday 27 January 2013


As our shoot is based outside, it is important that we are aware of the weather in the days running up to and during the shoot. We hope to still shoot in any weather that might face us and be prepared to keep the model, equipment and ourselves dry and warm.

Model Contact

We have kept good contact with our model, filling her in with our plans and ideas so she can also feel free to put forward any ideas at the shoot. We want the shoot to look as relaxed as possible and if the model feels as relaxed as she can that will show in our film.