Thursday 7 February 2013


Behind the scenes of the filming of our Promotional Video.
We decided to film our video in the atrium television studios to make sure that we got the right lighting and equipment. 

Promoting the video to the consumer

When we looked back over our video we felt that it did have a slightly more "Look book" feel to it. To make the film more promotional we wanted to direct it towards our specific target consumer. We therefore decided to place a quote on the opening page, this will immediately attract the consumer who feels that they would fit in with the brand. We also decided not to feature the brands sold in the store as we want the feeling of mystery to be strong. We feel that people will be more intrigued to attend the PR events if they are given less information.

"She is clothed in strength and dignity and she laughs without fear of the future"

We feel this quote describes our consumer perfectly. It also links to the future which is perfect for the brand.