Tuesday 29 January 2013


We have also found this video that captures the simplistic side of how we want our film. We want the overall feel of the film to be welcoming and natural and this shows that perfectly.


This style of relaxed model acting throughout the film is similar to the style we want. This is also shot in a studio. If we were to use lighting that was soft and delicate we could also get the washed out look we were hoping for with the outdoor shoot.

This Kate Moss for Topshop film also captures similar lighting and feeling to our idea. The main aspect of our film that we want to keep is the natural and none intimidating feel. We want the consumer to feel as though they could be the woman featured in the film.

Back up shoot

As we do have our shoot planned for tomorrow outdoors, after checking the weather forecast today we have realised that it would be a suitable idea to have a back up shoot in preparation. Me (Lucy) and Sophie are going to look into other ways of filming and try and use our inspiration from our previous research and incorporate it into a studio shoot.

Obviously we will keep our fingers crossed that the weather is OK tomorrow but the forecast is not looking good and we do not want to ruin any equipment or put our model in bad conditions.

I have however emailed Coed Hills to see if they have any indoor or sheltered space that they could suggest we use.

Sunday 27 January 2013


As our shoot is based outside, it is important that we are aware of the weather in the days running up to and during the shoot. We hope to still shoot in any weather that might face us and be prepared to keep the model, equipment and ourselves dry and warm.

Model Contact

We have kept good contact with our model, filling her in with our plans and ideas so she can also feel free to put forward any ideas at the shoot. We want the shoot to look as relaxed as possible and if the model feels as relaxed as she can that will show in our film.

Thursday 24 January 2013


With the music for our video we knew straight away that we did not want a well known or chart song. Our aim for our film is to create an eerie but relaxed feel and we therefore thought that using music without lyrics or songs that were slower to fit the feel. Molly used Spotify to search for songs that we could all listen to and decide on.

The main songs we found were :

Antony and the Johnsons - Cripple and the Starfish

Com Truise - Yxes

Jessica Pratt - Night Faces

Silent Servant - Invocation of Lust

Eddi Front - Texas
This song is our chosen track for our video. It is a perfect combination of lyrics and music and has a relaxed feel that is fitting with our video idea. It is also not chart music or a well known song and will therefore not isolate any particular person with a particular taste in music etc.


Similarly to the make up look we want to create with the film, we want to keep the hair style simple and natural to match. We want the hair to look natural and fresh to appeal to the consumer. We know that based on the age of the target consumer they are likely to be in a busy job or to have a family to look after and will be less likely to have time to spend on styling their hair everyday.

By styling the model in a natural and easy way the consumer watching the film will feel that the look we create is easy to re-create. Our model has extremely long blonde hair that we think would be perfect for the look. We have also found some looks that we liked as inspiration.

These looks are all extremely natural. Having the hair down will also work well with the wind and weather as it will fall and move with the garments that we have selected. We want everything to fit together well and create an obvious aesthetic.

Make up looks

Although we have chosen a model that is only 16 and does look young we think this will work well with the target customer. We know that women around the age of our consumer (25-40) will not want to see women of the same age sexualised in clothing campaigns. With the overall aesthetic being simple,natural and effortless for our video, we want the same feeling to come through with the models make up and look.

Our target customer is mid 30's and will therefore be beginning to feel slightly more conscious about how she looks. It is known that women tend to judge other women by what they are wearing and how they look. As our main focus is selling and promoting Thesis to the customer we want the focus to be on the clothes and the brands sold as well as the aesthetic and ethos of the brand. The model is being used as more of a muse for the clothes as supposed to the face of Thesis.

Therefore to avoid making the target consumer feel threatened by the model we have decided to go for a look that is extremely natural. We want the model to look like she is wearing no make up, although obviously for film she will need to be wearing a base.

Also alongside the natural look of her make up we want to keep her hair as natural as possible.

We have found some inspiration in existing make up looks that will help us to create our desired look.

Mac make up looks for Spring/Summer 13 capture the style of make up that we want to use for our model. We do not want one part of the face particularly emphasised (i.e. no bright lips or dark eyes) The more simple and natural the make up the better. Also with the style of lighting we are planning to use for the filming, this make up would work well.

The make up that we use on the model is also important as women that are the age of our target consumer will be at the age where they wear less make up than they did when they were younger. A lot of women in their 30's will know what brands of make up they like and how they should have their make up to suit them best. We want everything about the look of the model to feel accessible to the consumer.

Model Scouting

We knew that we wanted a model that reflected the Scandinavian aesthetic. We had decided that we wanted a size 6-8 model, preferably with long blonde hair and pale skin. We started by looking in shops and found one model in Hollister. We did try specifically to find someone that was near a similar age to the target consumer but have found it difficult to find women of that age that are willing to model for us.

We knew from an early stage what we wanted our model to look like. We knew that we wanted a model that was not obviously pretty as we didn't want to make the brand feel unattainable. We wanted somebody who looked fresh and naturally healthy as we knew we didn't want to use much make up or over style the shoot. She needed to be fair skinned and have light hair to keep the aesthetic that we have built for Thesis as strong as possible throughout the project.

We also scouted using Facebook to try and find models with the same look. We came across one woman who unfortunately was not available for the shoot.

Ffion (No available)

Stephanie Thomas (not available)

Zoey Lucy Groves (chosen model)
Size 6 -8

Although our chosen model does look quite young for the age of our consumer, it is possible to make her look older with styling and make up. We also asked Jayne Hicks about filming and she suggested to go with a model who has the look we want and adapt the way we film to make her look taller.


This was our original check list for the start of the project (which is now a lot shorter)

Wednesday 23 January 2013

Location Hunt....sort of!

With location scouting we knew that we wanted somewhere remote and quite plain to work off as a blank canvas. We decided to look at Coed Hills in Cowbridge as it is a rural art space When we looked into Coed Hills we found that there were a number of areas in the forest that had artwork placed. Such things as a huge bird cage and chair and table that we thought would work really well with the feel of the video that we want to create. We chose to go and look at Coed Hills whilst it was snowing and ended up stranded in the filed to the opening only being able to see the birdcage.

Although we didn't manage to look around the whole area the men that work at Coed Hill (who had to come and rescue us) told us that they have over 180 acres of land and forest that contained barns, sheds and sculptures that they were more than happy for us to use in the filming. They also suggested that when it is snowing "you can see things that you can't see in the normal weather" this inspired us to look into filing the video in the snow. However filming in the snow has posed a few problems - 

- Keeping the model warm
- Changing outfits
-Keeping hair and make up set
- Travelling in the snow
- Using equipment that could get damaged in the snow

We are hoping to shoot the film next week when the snow is slightly thawed, this will leave us with good lighting and conditions and some snow that is easier to work in. 

Monday 21 January 2013

Fashion cinema inspiration

Fashion Cinema inspiration. These images use the same style of lighting and movement that we want to use in our film.

These are photographs of pages from Fashion Cinema. The movement captured in the still images are reflective of the look we want to create. The way in which the environment is aiding the movement and flow of the garments and the model is really effective in creating a mood and aesthetic.

Styling - Outfits for film

After a few cocktails Saturday night we have been cleve enough to gather half awake Sunday morning in Barkers, surrounded with coffee and macs to plan our day. Armed full with bags of clothes we decided to put together some chosen looks for our film. With our previous garment technology in mind we assumed it would be easy. (SO WRONG).

Look 1 - Chiffon dress, leather jacket, brogues.

 Look 2 - Classic grey shirt worn under a black jumpsuit, teamed with cobalt blazer and brogues.

Look 3 - Oversized sweater dress, green bow neck blouse underneath, leather jacket, brogues.

Look 4 - (More masculine) Drop hem top, tartan tapered trousers leather jacket, loafers.

These are our initial ideas and will obviously be styled more neatly in the shoot. We wanted to get an idea of how the clothes fit together and how we could create effective looks that the target market would want to wear. The pieces are all quite simple and basic to make the consumer want to invest in them.

Garment technology and movement

To get a better idea of the looks we wanted and styles of clothes we needed for our video we chose to look at some garments and the specific details of them. We looked at things such as stitching, shape and how the garments moved when they were worn.

Pleats and drop hems are flattering on any figure. Based on the fact that our target market may be body conscious of certain areas, something like this would work well. The top also moves with the body which is a more feminine look.

Quilting detail.

Based on the consumer of Thesis, we feel that the clothes are more likely to be as simple as possible with smaller more unique details. Such as this simple outfit with the bow neck tie.

We really loved the blue bottoms on these brogues, especially teamed with the blazer in the same colour. Our target market would be more likely to wear shoes similar to these that are sturdy and reliable but are still different to usual high street footwear.

As leather jackets are a staple in people's wardrobes we knew that featuring one would be important. With this jacket we particularly like the detail of the quilting and the zips.

Th chiffon of this dress moved really well when it is captured in video. We also loved the buttons on the shoulders and how the material was sheer. This was a good way of the target market still feeling youthful without looking too young.

The combination of lace, chiffon and tassels on this shirt added subtle detail to a simple black shirt. That is the kind of detail that the Thesis customer will want. Simple but unique looks. 

From looking at the composition of the garments and the different styles it has helped us to decide on the style of outfits we want to use for our shoot. 

The thesis consumer will want
-Smaller details
-pop of colour
- contrast of texture
-Covered arms and legs