Monday 21 January 2013

Garment technology and movement

To get a better idea of the looks we wanted and styles of clothes we needed for our video we chose to look at some garments and the specific details of them. We looked at things such as stitching, shape and how the garments moved when they were worn.

Pleats and drop hems are flattering on any figure. Based on the fact that our target market may be body conscious of certain areas, something like this would work well. The top also moves with the body which is a more feminine look.

Quilting detail.

Based on the consumer of Thesis, we feel that the clothes are more likely to be as simple as possible with smaller more unique details. Such as this simple outfit with the bow neck tie.

We really loved the blue bottoms on these brogues, especially teamed with the blazer in the same colour. Our target market would be more likely to wear shoes similar to these that are sturdy and reliable but are still different to usual high street footwear.

As leather jackets are a staple in people's wardrobes we knew that featuring one would be important. With this jacket we particularly like the detail of the quilting and the zips.

Th chiffon of this dress moved really well when it is captured in video. We also loved the buttons on the shoulders and how the material was sheer. This was a good way of the target market still feeling youthful without looking too young.

The combination of lace, chiffon and tassels on this shirt added subtle detail to a simple black shirt. That is the kind of detail that the Thesis customer will want. Simple but unique looks. 

From looking at the composition of the garments and the different styles it has helped us to decide on the style of outfits we want to use for our shoot. 

The thesis consumer will want
-Smaller details
-pop of colour
- contrast of texture
-Covered arms and legs

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